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Dead Island Wiki
Mataka village bungalows entrance

The front and entrance to the bungalows

The Mataka Village Bungalow is a Dead Zone located in the Flooded jungle and featured in Dead Island: Riptide. It's one of the many dead zones scattered around the game, being incorporated as a part of Mataka Village, the nearby main location.


The dead zone is pretty standard for dead zones located in the flooded jungle. It centres around a two story wooden building which has a walkway around the upper floor. Two stairs lead up to the upper floor from the front of the building while two single doors near the rear of the upper floor allow access. Inside the upper floor is a dividing wall and a hole near the front to drop down to the lower room. Double doors at the front of the building allow direct access to the lower room. Inside there's some wicker baskets and assorted cabinets but most of the space is open. The compound outside is barren other than some boxes near the back of it.


Like most of the early dead zones, there's not too much strategy involved with clearing it. There's only two rooms, of which both are open and stacked on top of each other. Have a good weapon ready and some medkits, but that's pretty obvious since you're entering something called a 'dead zone'. Upon loading into it, be on your guard as right at the top of the stairs is a Butcher. If you're lucky, it won't spot you, so you can take in the dead zone. If you have a Sniper Rifle, you can headshot the Butcher for an easy kill, but if you're low level don't even bother trying to kill it with a firearm. If you can catch its attention, you can get it to come for you can you can take it on 1 on 1 for a less dangerous kill. Kill the Walker in the corner then head up the stairs. Around the back of the upstairs is a door, go through it and kill the four or so Walkers up there, then loot the place. Go back downstairs and prepare yourself. If you have some mines, place them outside of the double doors to the lower floor. A liberal sprinkling of them will do! You can always pick up the ones that don't explode. Now, open the door with your best weapon in your hands. With luck, the zombies will charge through the door and be obliterated by the mines. A Butcher is inside and likely won't die to the mines, but he'll probably be the only one left, so clear him out and you'll be in the clear. If you don't have mines, bait the zombies towards the door by opening it and closing it multiple times. When you open the door, take a couple of swing then close the door again. The zombies won't be able to reach you before it closes and you'll get some quick hits in. Once everything is dead, loot the place and leave.

Mataka Village Bungalow
Named Boss None
Blueprints Sharp Edge Mod
Rare Modification Items AC Power Box, Semiconductors, Titanium Pipe
Chests 1x common, 1x level 1, 1x level 2, 1x level 3 (hidden)
Workbench None
Other notes Special enemies include one Thug, two Frenzied Infected, and two Butchers


  • Despite being called a bungalow, it's not actually a bungalow since it's a two story building.
  • You can find two metal chests in the bottom floor of the building.
  • Another one can be found in the upper floor.
  • A level 3 red locked chest can be found at the back of the compound amongst some boxes in a corner.

