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Dead Island Wiki

The Sonic Pulse Grenade is a projectile weapon that was eventually cut from Dead Island but made its proper debut in Dead Island: Riptide. It was planned to appear in the in the Bloodbath Arena DLC for Dead Island but, according to the game developers, they had it removed in favor of several different weapon mods. Now the only current way to obtain this weapon is by modding the game save. In Riptide, it is available from Quests, Merchants, Metal chest and even buildable with its own mod blueprint.


The Sonic Pulse Grenade is very much a min/max kind of throwable weapon. Against some Zombies, it is extremely good, capable of one shotting at any level, but against others it has little to no effect. When thrown, it takes a couple of seconds before it explodes, sending out a high pitched sonic pulse accompanied by visible white shockwaves emanating from the grenade itself, which is destroyed in the pulse. This pulse will explode the heads of any 'basic' zombies in its vicinity, that is, any Infected, Walkers, or Drowners. However, against any other zombies, aka the special infected such as Thugs, Floaters, Wrestlers, etc, it has absolutely no effect, causing just a few points of damage. As such, the best use of Sonic Pulse Grenades, outside of using it against small hordes, is either during a Siege Event main quest or whilst clearing a Dead Zone. During the 5 siege event main quests in Riptide, you are bombarded by many Walkers and Infected, which are good targets for the Sonic Pulse Grenade or its Mine variant. Likewise, whilst exploring dead zones, the room with the Boss Zombie will often also contain many Walkers, some of which will be playing dead. A Sonic Pulse Grenade thrown into the room will, more often than not, kill every Walker in the room, allowing you to focus on the boss zombie.


Like all other throwables, it can't be modded but it is crafted from a mod blueprint:

Edit This Mod
According to my observations the brain of those ubiquitous damned still remain active, although in quite a peculiar way. One can take advantage of this by adjusting their brain wave frequencies using my invention. The effect? You'll see for yourself. I promise it will be... explosive
In Dead Island, the mod was cut from the final game making it unobtainable by normal means.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in the square across from the Old Town Cinema in Henderson, where the concert stage is set up. The mod is found behind the stage on a table where a Metal chest is also found below.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Sonic Pulse Grenade



    • Damage: 5,000


  • Owen in Henderson will sell Sonic Pulse Grenades.
  • The Sonic Pulse Grenade has no effect on human enemies, such as the Smugglers in the Japanese Tunnels. It will deal 1 damage to any in range but will not do anything else.


  • The Sonic Pulse Grenade was planned to be called the Brain Wave Bomb before being changed for an unknown reason.
  • Despite it being cut from the final build of Dead Island, some players have reported acquiring a small stash of Sonic Pulse Grenades before finishing the game, though none have managed to recall where from.
  • It was clearly cut from the final build of Dead Island late into its development as the blueprint is listed in the Dead Island Strategy Guide.